A dental crown is a general applied dental repair procedure. A dental crown procedure can strengthen your teeth and enhance their look. In the United States, around 14 million people receive the dental crown procedure.
Your teeth might get damaged over time. Tooth damage can occur from various causes, including dental decay, traumas, or just usage over time. As a result, your teeth might change their shape or size. Dental crowns look like tooth-shaped "caps" that fit over your natural tooth. Furthermore, a dental crown restores the tooth's shape, size, strength, and look.
To prepare for a dental crown, you will usually need to visit the dentist twice.
First visit
Second visit
Your dentist will place a permanent crown during the second visit. First, your dentist will remove the temporary crown to fit the permanent crown. Afterward, your dentist may give you a local anesthetic to numb the tooth before cementing the new crown.
Dental crowns usually last between five to fifteen years. However, the longevity of a crown depends on how well you follow oral hygiene procedures. Moreover, the life span of crowns also depends on certain mouth-related practices. Examples of mouth-related practices include:
Crowns protect teeth that are weak or fractured. Similarly, they can also assist in enhancing the look of unevenly shaped or discolored teeth. Crowns can persist for many years if you maintain proper oral hygiene. Therefore, consult your dentist to improve your dental health.
Contact your Lafayette dentist, Dr. Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Lafayette Dental Group today to learn more about the dental crown.
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Lafayette, CA 94549
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